Customers and Partners

Partnering with businesses that shape the future since 2018

Together with our partners, we’re digitizing sample tracking for preanalytics for every kind of lab and hospital.

  • A global leader in biotechnology and in-vitro diagnostics, Roche has partnered with S4DX since 2018. The S4DX Samples app was the first app certified for the new Roche cobas® Pulse and the entire S4DX system is fully integrated into Roche navify®.

  • A global diagnostics and lab automation leader since more than 40 years, Beckman Coulter and S4DX have partnered since 2020. This partnership has provided customers a full package of total process control and operational efficiency, including a new rapid lab TAT and unseen quality and workflow improvements.

  • Founded in 2009, T&O LabSystems produces innovative sample logistics solutions for medical laboratories. Their product TriCollect perfectly interacts with S4DX Transport monitoring solutions, enabling a highly secure and efficient sample and request forms transport with no samples lost and a significant reduction of plastic bags.